Upload video of your dig unit and we'll create a productivity report in hours
Dig Unit Production Rate Analysis from AUD $1200
Get a detailed analysis of your dig unit’s productivity in less than 24 hours
The situation with COVID-19 has made it hard to travel to site to conduct studies and provide advice on optimising production rates.
We have implemented InMotion Remote so we can conduct a detailed examination of individual dig units and their supporting fleet from just an hours-worth of video.
The report will detail
BCM rates for the period of the video capture
Performance measurements against actual machine potential (potential gains)
Improvement strategies that can be immediately implemented to improve production rates
Strategies for Dig Unit Operators
Strategies for Haul Unit Operators
Suggestions for circuit design and load/haul/dump configurations
considerations when capturing the video
Some considerations when capturing the video and getting InMotion Remote underway.
The safety and well-being of yourself and your site operators comes first. Do not put yourself, or your colleagues in harms way to execute InMotion Remote recording
The continuity or your operation and production should never be impacted by InMotion Remote. Please do not initiate InMotion Remote recording activities if it will impact production at your site. Immediately cease InMotion Remote recording if it impacts production
Set the camera as close to the dig unit as possible (without infringing the no-go zones of the work area)
Make sure you set the camera where it won’t need to be moved for the full hour of recording
Shoot during the day (we can analyse night shift videos if required – contact us to talk about your conditions/shifts and to see how we can help)
60 minutes of uninterrupted video will be required to generate a meaningful production report for your dig unit
Please record sound – the horn blasts are important markers in our analysis along with engine noise
SD video is okay. HD is preferred. If transmitting very large files is an issue from your site or organisation, use SD recording settings to reduce the file size
Make sure you have countersigned and returned the NDA before you send us the video
If your site or organisation requires its own NDA, we will be pleased to sign them in addition to or instead of MRLGs standard NDA.
Make sure you are able to provide us with the required information in the background questionnaire (Unless we are engaging in a training needs analysis or another approved assignment that requires full names of your personnel, we do not need to know the names of the operators in the video)
We will need to know
The make and model of the dig unit
The make and model of the haul units
The number of haul units in the circuit at time of recording (and their designations)
The bucket capacity of the dig unit (if it varies from factory specs)
Any modifications that have been made to the mobile fleet in the video that affect carrying capacity
Some basic information about the circuit including
distance to dump/terminus
Some information about the haul roads and road usage
The availability or non-availability of support machinery during the recording period (eg Dozers, Graders etc)
CONTACT US TODAY to register your interest. We’ll send you a formal quote for services and some information to help you set up an InMotion Remote Analysis at your site.